Friday, April 24, 2015

Otto celebrates 26 years, Rocky 30

And treated to a Pineapple upside down cake from Kim !
Here is the Limerick for Otto, that's O-T-T-O spelled backwards....

He's a Norwegian Canadian named Otto
With a decided tendency to get blotto 
After too much scotch whiskey 
His driving gets risky
Now he navigates sober in Rock's auto

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

C@Athol Original Tues Night

Well, we took two cars to Athol to put on a commitment, and had a good night. Tom B. chaired with speakers Big Al, Katie, Rocky, Otto, Paul L. and Jimmy, for a total of 228 years. Fabulous snacks( a coconut butterscotch sinful and a nice dark fruit cake) and good coffee. They come to us on Friday.