We are an open speaker AA meeting (Established April 20, 1964 ) that meets every Friday night from 8:00-9:00 PM. Come early (doors are usually open and coffee brewed by around 7pm) for some food and fellowship. Find us at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Central Park at 209 Union Street, Clinton, MA ( make your way from the front down to the basement) Directions
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Central Park Old Timers Singing
Sunday, March 22, 2015
C@Rebound, March Madness
Hey, another kind of March Madness for CCP members... The onset of group anniversary season, can you spell BUFFET? Commitment at rebound Saturday, good showing, 11 of us went, 8 spoke. Tom b. chaired, speakers Dennis a, James, Pat c, big Al, Luke, Otto, Tom g, Rocky, Lil Jimmy on stand bye and Jeremy riding along. 242 years!!... We found out that the reason cell phones work poorly there is that it is a bomb shelter.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
C@Derry Spacetown
Nice ride to Derry NH. Karen chaired, Pam, Joe, Jim m, Paul m, Rocky, Tom g, Otto, Mark d. They come back Friday to us.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
C@Waltham Saturday Night
Well, Waltham's commitment to us Friday was so fine ( Edna, Wayne and Joe) that we really looked forward to returning to them Saturday. Wow, 82 year old Edna had more spirit and zest for life than a lot of thirty something's that I know. Tom B. chaired per usual. Joe D, Tom G, Jimmy, Otto, Rocky and 142 sober years in the cars. They have a cozy meeting hall, knotty pine, fine sound, good cookies...good time.