We are an open speaker AA meeting (Established April 20, 1964 ) that meets every Friday night from 8:00-9:00 PM. Come early (doors are usually open and coffee brewed by around 7pm) for some food and fellowship. Find us at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Central Park at 209 Union Street, Clinton, MA ( make your way from the front down to the basement) Directions
Friday, May 28, 2010
Frankie Mac
Frankie passed last week....
he will be long remembered and loved, a great and loyal member of our group,
you can see him in the row of old timers in the video below (he is the one in the blue sweater)
....here also is a picture of him and I and my grandson Zachery about 10 years ago at the regular Friday night meeting.....rocky
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Limericks for Tom on his 46th Anniversary
Out of Virginia came Staff Sargent Tom
But the troops on his last name would bomb
So they called him Tweety
for spree after spree
Till off of the booze and some calm
There once was a grumpy drunk Brydie
Who began his long quest for sobriety
His wife was a saint
Without a complaint
Though God knows he's short on propriety